In Psalm 82, God speaks to a group of heavenly created beings that He had given control over the pagan nations of the earth. The rulers of the world were doing wrong, and God commands justice for the weak and powerless. Though sin and injustice are everywhere, God cares and is patient. The hope we find here is the same hope we find throughout the rest of the Bible: God will bring back the lost, and Jesus is the One who will ultimately put everything right with God.
In Psalm 82, God speaks to a group of heavenly created beings that He had given control over the pagan nations of the earth. The rulers of the world were doing wrong, and God commands justice for the weak and powerless. Though sin and injustice are everywhere, God cares and is patient. The hope we find here is the same hope we find throughout the rest of the Bible: God will bring back the lost, and Jesus is the One who will ultimately put everything right with God.